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Felix the Coyote a fox named coyote Felix the Coyote a fox named coyote


Release by Felix the Coyote.

This is my song which won the 2024 Express Yourself Contest on Fur Affinity. As the title suggests, it is intended to convey a sense of desperation.

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Schtewee a fox named coyote Schtewee a fox named coyote

FURRY (Coming Soon)

Upcoming release by Schtewee.

Haha, made a furry track and nobody can tell me it's not a furry track :] I love making stuff just out of spite hihi

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OSVLD a fox named coyote OSVLD a fox named coyote


Release by OSVLD.

Aviators is a collaborative EP showcasing 7 songs, each with a different style and meaning representing every artist in a unique way.

For the past 10 months, since November 2023, OSVLD has been collaborating with the amazing artists of Aural Alliance, to bring together the sounds that identify each.

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Retri a fox named coyote Retri a fox named coyote


Release by Retri.

It's not about destruction, it's also something that isn't happy. You have to suffer to get what you want.

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